GHJ | Agricultural Fertilizer
  • +962-65-350-670

Green Hass Jordan LLC.

Green Hass Jordan LLC.

Green Has Jordan Company for Agricultural Fertilizer was established in 2012 and is an integral part of Green Has Italia Group and is owned by Green Has Italia based in Italy.

Green Has Jordan has built its factory for agricultural fertilizer in King Hussein Bin Talal Development Area in Al Mafraq city in the north of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The factory was established on the basis of modern and advanced it has been equipped with the latest production lines and packaging, and the laboratory tests equipped with all the necessary equipment for the analysis of raw materials involved in production Manufactured and ready-made materials, taking advantage of its expertise in the main factory in Italy.

Green Has Jordan produces N-P-K soluble fertilizers  using the latest scientific and technical methods.

The factory currently meets the requirements of the local market, the entire Middle East region and East Asia and in the near future aims to enter the South American markets.